The mono drive, dual platter, tape driven lab record player

The mono drive, dual platter, tape drivenĀ  lab record player ...based on Lenco platter and bearings. Well , a bit complicated title, but this deck serves a few purposes. Only one motor (left) drives two platters via a tape between them. This concept goes back to an idea originating from s.o. wo had two Garrards [...] Read More

Western Electric TA 4165 – Jensen A12

I have just returned from the Munich High End show. This year Silbatone showed a Western Electric TA 4165. The woofer is OEM made by Jensen for Western Electric. The WE version has a softer cone, a wooden element for better distribution of higher frequencies. Yet, it is a close relative to the Jensen [...] Read More

Inner magazine

Nice review by Lars Toressen. You can read it by clicking on the link below. Read More

Klein & Hummel OZ

Klein & Hummel OZ These little puppies were being built by German manufacturer Klein&Hummel, famous for their broadcast monitors and analog tuners. This model, the OZ, was used in early 1970ies. It is equipped with Altec drivers. Two 414 12 inch woofers, a 802 compression driver ona 811 horn. The 811 horn was damped with [...] Read More

Apogee Caliper

My Apogee Odyssee I heard Apogees for the first time on the High End exhibition in Frankfurt 1988. I liked them a lot, but settled for smaller conventional speakers, because as a student at that time I could neither afford them, nor place them somewhere in my room. Then, in 2002, the time was right [...] Read More


Lenco L75 My first record player was a Lenco L75 that I got from my parent's system as a teenager. It was the version with a white case which served me well, until I upgraded to a Roksan Xerxes in 1988. The L75 was not used with the springloaded base it normally rests on, but [...] Read More

FR 64

Fidelity Research FR64 Here we have a pictured report about rewiring a Fidelity Research FR64tonearm. The FR64 is one of the most popular tonearms for low compliance cartridges. The bearings are of good quality, but they might get noisy over time. This tonearm had a broken cable. So, I have started to overhaul this tonearm [...] Read More