Lenco L75
My first record player was a Lenco L75 that I got from my parent’s system as a teenager.
It was the version with a white case which served me well, until I upgraded to a Roksan Xerxes in 1988.
The L75 was not used with the springloaded base it normally rests on, but with the bottom plate removed and put on small feet under the outter frame only.
In the meantime I have discovered the virtues of idler wheel drives again so there was the wish to own a Lenco again.
There is a forum dedicated to Lenco, where you find more information on this and other fine Lenco record decks.
There are quite a few Lencos here, to see what can be made with them. One of them is the white version that I have equipped with a SME 3009 as a compact solution without building a new plinth.
I am still impressed by the sound, it is pleasing to the ear. However, it lacks some definition, the sound stage is blurry, details are not presented a lot. It has some punch and directness on the plus side.
Notice the plexiglas rest. I took the original lift off the SME in order to fit the Lenco chassis. The Plexiglas was bend using a hot air gun. It fits in the slot of the original lift.
The idler wheel is the aluminum version with five holes. This is the perferable version of the idler wheel. Other L75s are equipped with pastic wheels and they have cheaper wheel bearings too. Replacement idler wheels are a good idea, since the rubber is most likely in need for a change.
There are some other Lencos aswell, but they served as donor for some other projects. See the Lab Lenco project.
Most Lencos suffer from a loose main bearing. If the platter is unmounted try to move the bearing shaft a little. like indicated by the arrows in the picture.
If there is a little play you will notice. Ideally it should not move at all. If it does move, the bronze bushings are worn out. That has a weakening influence on the sound. It still sounds nice, but precision or definition are lost.